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Over the course of Shadowlands and even at its beginning Blizzard would add loads of mounts, more than any other expansion before it or following it, currently. This doesn’t even account for the Gladiator or Vicious PvP mounts during that time as well. During this video we’re going to be going over the ten hardest to obtain mounts in Shadowlands as of the time of this script, Dragonflight 10.1.7. So, mounts much harder during current to farm might not be here as the late addition of flying in Shadowlands, extra levels, and gear contribute to these farms. Some entries may also be tied with others, as they are incredibly similar in obtaining and the only thing they don’t share are their looks.
Video edited by Splitrift
Script & Setup by Lotthbrook
-The List-
Intro: (0:00)
10.) Death’s Advance Paragon Mounts: (0:33)
9.) Cryptic Aurelid: (2:06)
8.) Tool Protoform Mounts (Deathrunner, Prototype Leaper): (3:25)
7.) Bracelet of Salaranga: (5:23)
6.) Necroray Eggs: (7:26)
5.) Mawsworn Soulhunter: (8:43)
4.) Marrowfang: (10:30)
3.) Armored Chosen Tauralus: (11:20)
2.) Vengeance: (12:39)
1.) Zereth Overseer: (14:04)
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early gang
i got the metal rat in the tower, it took me like 12 hours, DAY ONE of the release of it being obtainable… i was a regular raider, so my gear was ok, but not top mythic gear content of the time
"only mount usable in the maw"
and then 1-2 months later they let everyone use the mount
screw you blizzard!
Shadowlands is so boring and tedious that all the mounts are difficult for me.
Ugh shadowlands was the worst, imo specifically 9.2, the protoform stuff was the WORST, and i still refuse to farm genesis motes or iska
When Shadowlands becomes Legacy content, Vengeance will be my Invincible… God, that mount looks good.
No mention of Bigglesworth Jr? I know he cannot be contained anymore but its probably one of the most unique ahead of the curve mounts
Tazavesh gearglider has to be on there instead of marrowfang. No only do you have to do the whole mega dungeon including the trading event to reach the final boss, which takes forever, but by now she has a 99% dmg reduction if you try to farm the mount solo. And no you can't get rid of it by playing the mechanics cause they don't work if you are alone.
i missed a bit the "Fallen Charger" Mount due to the weird spawnrate and spawn in generel.
women are equal to men
Thanks god blizzard change achievement for dragonflight, this achievement design never intended for normal human
korthia mounts are hardest to get in the whole game since it is impossible to go there without getting severe depression
One opinion for these mount videos, pls show the mount models
Necroray Eggs were such a Scam.
I played the whole of Shadowlands and was doing every WQ to get the Paragon Chests.
NOT 1 SINGLE EGG DROP the whole Expac.
The mythic endboss mounts are even more hard to get than it looks at first. The mount has a flat 1 % chance to drop and then you gotta get lucky and get it awarded to you out of 20 players. It's not that every player has a 1 % chance on their own to get it, it's insanely low chance to get it in a 20 man raid. Jaina/nzoth/sylv/Jailer mounts are insane grinds these days.
Didn’t even show the mounts 😂👎
started last tier and fell in love with vengeance. not many attempts deep as of now but i hope it doesnt take me as long as it took my friend to farm out invicible (since wotlk and just got it a month ago)
Thankfully, the only good thing about fated was it gave us so many buffs. I got both mounts during gated season cause bosses fell over if u turned on all fated affixes lol
i got the deaths advance mounts 1 year after korthia was released after 10 paragons or so and i got them both from one chest, thank god….
I realized that I did way more in SL than I realized because I have a third of this list.
No love (or hate) for the Bonehoof Tauralus from Tahonta?
In order to get this mount, you needed to be a NecroLord and construct the secret abomination, Neena (a patchwork dog), and have her active with you while fighting Tahonta. Having her with you was the only way for the mount to drop (which wasn't even a guarantee, either), but if you didn't know that, you'd be out of luck.