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Harry has always loved doing Podcast like content, and he has been loving WoW again, so he suggested we give it a shot. Let me know if you think this would be an interesting format moving forward or what you’d like to see instead.
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Thank you for the Video !
And of course i would love a metro podcast!! 🎉
Great vibes
I really enjoy it so far. I actually believe this is one of the best expansions for many years. Been playing a lot with my friends and its fantastic.
anduin looks like green arrow sadly
and hey if you search a guest i am so in ! 🎉
The music in hallowfall and azkhajet are my absolute favorite! There are specific tracks tho that I really vibe with. I don't know what they're called, but I love them! Also, I liked this sort of podcast vid! I'd love to see more!
Watched the whole, fun video. His accent was almost as wild as his comments haha. Thanks for posting
It's kinda nice feeling to have back something I didn't mind taking away from me some time ago.
During Shadowlands I would say like 'yeee the lore is weird strange and kinda broken but who cares, zones by itself are cool (especially Ardenweald and Revendreth), the REAL content is amazing, raids are good and M+ is fun'. I didn't really got into Dragonfligh lore as well (even though I love dragons-theme) and just enjoyed gameplay.
But now, not only enjoying story myself but also seeing others actually praising the story and atmosphere kinda warms my heart and somehow makes me really happy. Saw that reddit post where guy was incredibly mad at content-creators constantly shittalk WoW but he gave it a shot and enjoyed the hell out of it. Especially loving zones and story, and felt it. Feels like we really need more content with people actually being happy and praising what's done amazingly in this game. Even the fact TWW has some class-specific quests and phrases is incredible. Not that they matter or I would ever demand them but holy shit they surprised me.
Nice video, Metro 🙂
I watched the whole thing while wax farming, it went by pretty fast ☺
Omg that video of him falling asleep was so funny. I also fell asleep a couple of times while playing wow but I was doing old content. The most memorable one was when I got back from school and jumped into wow,it was during Legion expansion but I didnt had expansion,just had sub so for me it was WoD. I also had a shit PC so loadings could take a while. I logged onto my main at like 2PM and while I wait for loading screen to finish I figured might as well put my head down on desk and rest a bit. Next thing I remember is my dad waking me up,he is back from work so it means its 4PM and I remember looking at my scrren and seeing that "You have been disconnected".
"Dwelves" 🤣🤣🤣
Looking forward to priory on M+ specially fortified. The second boss room with the paladins is gonna cause so many rage quits.
Do you plan on making a Blood DK guide ?? — Thanks for your content
I would enjoy hearing you discuss more about Deathknight taking and how you feel about the two hero talents.
I really wanted to love San’Layn but it just doesn’t feel like it does much in dungeons.
I watched the whole thing,honestly didnt even feel like 40 mins or long . 32:33 Just love his face when you tell him about keys for Delves and then seconds of silence folowed by OH 😂
love this content man, keep em comin! Harry is just too funny
Rah bruv giving spoiler warnings is bare hard in it.😢
First guest of the Beauty and the beast podcast Harry, confirmed. 😅
Also I can recall all through SLs and DF the priest getting tons of grief for their pi use in both raid and m+. Poor Vic/Mederal (and now Harry) Lol
I am going to be so freaking lost when it comes to gearing.
Man if Harry comes to US he can record his runs as a healer the three of us could record the same run from all three roles.
So glad Harry is back into WoW, had to watch the whole thing despite the spoiler around khadgar and anduin. You guys are just too entertaining. Been avoiding content as to not get spoiled but I think I have to start watching it as much as possible so I am up to speed when I get back. And I will get back. 9 weeks plus in this room I thought it was going to be 6 at the most. It's enough to turn a paladin into a dk let me tell you. But I will get out of here sometime. I just hope I don't miss any of the anniversary event. Lol cheers bruv
You never know how its going to shake out when the season starts, but it seems there might not be as much routing/skips/etc in season one.
this guy's voice is painful to listen to
Watched whole thing during my Valorstone farming. Looking forward to the update with "Harry the Healer"
Very positive energy from both of you, was a pleasure to watch.
What are you doing in the game? I log in, do the world quests, check the patron orders, and then im done? All the weekly stuff is done on the day it resets. There's nothing to do right now. No point farming heroics cause m0 comes out next week.
Nice video with the dude who still sounds like broken Withcher 3 NPC
I watched the whole video, the time flew by. Definitely need more of this kinda stuff.
METRO!!! thanks for having me on my bro, it was a pleasure had a lot of fun and good luck to everyone who are trying mythic+ next week at the begging of the season!
I watched it all, would watch more.
Im kinda disappointed with the warband system. can only really trade the most useless currencies between your toons