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So you’re playing World of Warcraft and you just hit level 18. You decide it’s time to go check out that new area called Duskwood, it should be fine yeah?
You walk in and notice the whole Tim Burton aesthetic and you dig it. It makes a nice contrast to Redridge mountains, yeah you’re really going to enjoy questing here.
First things first, let’s go find a flightpath. You see a small town up ahead and notice that the npc’s as well as the other players are running around like crazy. It looks like a very cool place, so much movement and excitement! You walk into the town square and BOOM! Freaking Stitches just stone cold messes you the hell up.
Get used to it because that’s kind of Duskwood’s whole thing. Get a quest to go to Raven Hill and BAM! Stitches. Addle’s Stead needs investigating FRIGGING BLAM! Stitches. Go back to the safe zone of Darkshire where you will at least be- BOOM! Stitches.