Average Mythic Plus Pug Experience

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22 thoughts on “Average Mythic Plus Pug Experience”

  1. They need a system like over watch that people can see if you are a leaver or someone who isn't great but not shit. Lot of nice ppl but ton of toxic people who wanna be carried so they can bolster that they done higher keys when really they were just hard carried.

  2. I've had that before too where a dungeon seems super easy then with another group it's a chore. I guess your experience often depends on the group doing playing their class well in a way you may not even notice, like targeting correct enemies, interrupts etc. big DPS can only carry you so far. I think it's all about mechanics fundamentally, but you don't wanna do a chess deep dive after every run analysing details. But what I find frustrating is that a lot of people in wow simply aren't great players but instead of telling the dude to do something different people just bounce on a wipe even if it's close or obviously an accident and those players never really learn. I know it's frustrating to school players but let's be honest everyone has done a dungeon or raid without fully understanding mechanics at first and the cycle repeats if there isn't a better culture around groups. Think the lack of any communication is big problem and kinda weird for an MMO but I have no idea how you encourage that with PUGs. Chatty players can be annoying but people dont even say hello its pretty bad really. I also think just harsher punishments would also encourage toxic behaviour because of how easily people get votekicked lol. Ultimately i think the solution is to make it all matter less so people dont take it all so seriously. Have less loot overall and the BIS loot more messy and less structured. Maybe even reduce better loot rewards from top tier and just make achievements, mounts etc.
    To be honest 5man groups shouldnt give as much loot in general and should be more casual anyway. Im writing an essay but wow is best when youre with a group of friends chilling and yes everyone is a loot fiend but most people dont really care unless theres a huge difference. Low error margins leading to wiping and needing to read an instruction manual for every boss is not relaxing. Retail especially too many mechanics and too many spells with too many visuals which you also need to know. Just simplify the damn game lol, seems like they lost sight of the fundamentals

  3. It is just the younger generation.
    Proof me wrong.
    But in the old times we wiped and wiped.
    Even in heroics.
    And no one left till the dungeon was done or decided by the whole group we would give up.

    This insta leave after just one wipe is so newschool gen and the whole spirit of retail man.
    I even hate the freakin 5 mins dungeons.
    Everyone just rushes throu pulling the whole instance at best.

    Absolute bonkers.
    Seems im getting too old, but the old times were so much more fun.
    And yes, looking 30 mins for a group to go into the dungeon and finishing the dungeon together was more fun than having insta invites with complete rnds just to ding the award 5 mind later.


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