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We have a NUCLEAR Episode today , with the difficulty of delves increasing drastically if you’re in a group, MASSIVE Class changes before the Tuesday reset, the first official raid logs and their results, brand new class changes on the ptr, more 11.0.5 news, datamines – and so so much more.
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00:00 – Intro & Stream!
00:43 – Massive Class Changes
06:40 – Huge Delve Changes
08:54 – Easy 610 Gear
10:04 – The BUTCHER in Wow lol!
10:45 – Raid Logs! DPS, Tank & Heals
14:21 – WarBound , Crafts, Free 610
16:30 – MASSIVE 11.0.5 Updates
22:40 – Datamined Trading Post
24:15 – Thank you all so much!
Straight, simple and direct ways of telling news. Keep it up
bro, if there was anything in that cup, you would be covered. at least make an effort to pretend you got a drink.
So here i was hearing from everybody that outlaw is bad in war within and now the newest update nerfs it even more lol
They forget elemental shaman?😢
I'm a solo player by choice. I love to take my time in this game. I don't understand how people just blast through the content and feel the need to hurry to endgame status without stopping to smell the roses. I mean, you're paying a monthly (or annual) subscription. You also paid for the damn game itself. Solo gamers have it hard enough when it's all about getting decent endgame gear, but it also annoys the hell out of me when people are inconsiderate and just rush through a dungeon despite the fact that there are players (like me) who would like to soak in some of the content they haven't seen yet. Or are mocked because their dps isn't high enough (yet). So, yeah, I'm happy groups are getting nerfed, at least in delves. It's bad enough to be forced to play with others in hero and mythic (and raids). I wish a solo player could have followers in those dungeons as well. No more inconsiderate rushers rolling through mobs whilst other players who want to enjoy the game are forced to keep up.
Hey ! I suggest on logs page to switch to " Damage to Bosses " rather than "Damage"
Nuclear updates
Very solid content, keep it up!
As a sub rogue t8 delves are really fun, got to play smart, zakvir was fun too, you could not make one mistake
Wtf is wrong with blizzard
Why so many nerfs to ret pally when it’s one of the worse classes on sims?
the delve changes are a massive L
Not my fury Warrior :/ i just got into it
I'm doing delves 8 with Pala Retribution. Sometimes it gets really hard, but with a bit of kitting it is feasible. I have done plenty and got myself from 582 ilvl to 602 ilvl.
I don't get why blizzard keeps nerfing Paladins.
Just comeback to the game after a 2 year break and looking for some new and current YouTubers and came across you recently, really like your presentation style, very clear and engaging! 👍
I've solo'd all the dealves at tier 8, they are painful at 570 ilvl but now I'm around 585 they are fine
I guess I hit the season start lotto with rolling Fury Warrior and tank DH haha
It doesnt matter how much they buff San'layn, its just never going to be better than deathbringer in any way… exterminate and reaper's mark is just a way easier and better way to play. San'Layn needs a complete rework.
Video titles getting more desperate every day
Love it warriors are finally keeping up with other people and they were like “yeah nah”
Delvers Bounty Drops from mobs as well 👍🏻
I agree, good changes. And delves are supposed to be challenging. They are part of the endgame progression content. Just because you're a solo player doesn't mean you want all gear to be super easy to get/feel trivial, and have welfare epics rain down upon you. I think people need to stop with that mentality. I'm so happy they added this as part of the endgame progression path. Though to be fair, I main Affliction Warlock and they are already naturally a pretty easy class to solo with so other specs might be having a more difficult time. I think they need some tuning but are otherwise fine. If a delve is really bothering me, I'll just lower the difficulty by one and have success with it – it's not something that's meant to be totally figured out in one week.
I main a Ret Paladin the change to Dawn Light won't effect me. I use the Templar hero tree and spec for survivability/DPS since I'm a solo casual player these days. I imagine there are some raiders out there screaming the world is ending cause of the nerf but meh it happens. It's early days of the expansion so there are gonna be lots of tweaks as they optimize things so nothing new to all this.
i got 2 maps, but i got it from the zekvir carapace thing, got an off hand and head
I got the Delvers bounty on my Ret and Shaman in first run,firstly i thought its guaranteed 😆
So, to make it short, they launched the expa unfinished : /
I got the map twice, actually back to back. Nothing on the 3rd run
Avenging crusader got nerfed a little to compensate with the buff on the judgment and crusader strike. Seems like it should be fine. Can't wait to try with these and change. Should be doing more damage overall with a small HPS loss
Honestly the delve changes were a big L for me. Before, I could hop on with my brother and get the 4 bountiful delves done in like an hour. Now each delve takes WAY longer and running Bran as a healer and strategically popping all your defensive CDs isn't enough due to all the unavoidable damage. We're only able to clear with Bran as a DPS because his executes are INSANE and we can kill mobs faster than they can kill us.
There's plenty of challenging content in the game already. It sucks to see delves turned into a slow sludge of a grind when we're already limited by how much gear we get because of the coffer keys anyway. If blizz is just worried about gearing going too fast, then limit the amount of keys we can earn each week. They don't have to make delves this hardcore activity that eats up the average player's full amount of free time.
Imo felt like another case of blizz catering to a small playerbase that plays the game for a living and cried the loudest online that people playing in groups in an MMO were having an easier time clearing content than they were solo.
Rey bein top rn is the same every expansion. They scale badly. They’ll be bottom 10% by the final patch
Hey friend, I actually got a delver's bounty after soloing my last tier8, but I am a bit afraid to use it. If I die too much, will it be wasted? Or can I have as many deaths as I want and still get the reward as long as I finish?
the thing with group delves is that the enemies accidentally had inverse scaling to group size, so bosses would have less health with 2+ players vs solo. So the changes are less of a nerf and more of a bugfix
yeah man lay off that clickbait weed you doing too much of it
rollin dice and flippin coins, that pretty much sums up outlaw rogues