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Its finally time to play WOW for the first time ever!!!
Tips and tricks are always appreciated in the comments enjoy the video!
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I sure hope he learned from the @32:20 "It needs to tell us when we get this stuff, but maybe im not seeing it". Several minutes later you ding and right there in the chat log "You have learned a new ability:" its rage inducing D: … lol
if you press alt+Z, you can take away the UI and it will just be the game. for screenshot/immersive purposes
You can hover over armor/weps in your inv and press shift to compare to what you're already wearing.
The horde and the alliance are not so much good or bad, but morally grey, either side you can empathies with in 1 way or another.
"i never gonna use 9"….oohh you will
You shoudl tame any beast mobs you come across to add to your stable.
Yeah you'll be grateful for 9 (feign death) when you get a train fo mobs chasing you. And your auto attack is good when you want to save focus or run out in more extended fights.
Just a tip for your opening rotation, always lead off with Barbed Shot, then Kill Command next. Steady Shot isn't really for BM Hunters
The action bar is locked so you dont move skills on accident. Hold Shift and you can drag an move abilities or you can unlock it in the settings aswell i think
I am officially down the rabbit hole and watching this entire series
great content
5:49 "I like Tortollans" lol
hahaha I was getting so excited when you started pondering what abilities were higher priority and therefore should be moved to more convenient numbers. Loving the series
You can zoom out farther on your map by right clicking it and can actually zoom out to other planets
Log out in an inn for rested xp!
hold down SHIFT to move skills around your hotbar. and if you need to compare gear in your inventory
I really wish I could backseat with this guy lol. It's driving me crazy when he gets stuck on a question and can't figure it out, I want to tell him the answer so bad! I suppose that's the new player experience (minus not asking in the newcomer chat for advice lol)
The fact you take the time to check out every women and greet them. Top gentleman
not sure how far u have come in terms of binds, but you should consider bind ur keys to shift 1, shift 2, shift 3 and also keys like r, t, f, g, and so on
Wow is large enough to have horde and alliance have completely different questing zones. Once you do a full playthrough, you create a new character and have an option to timewalk level, where you speak to a dragon who's looks like a gnome and she sends you to previous expacs to level there. I recommend the legion invasion and the iron horde first, then switching to cataclysm at lvl 30.
Another entertaining video, I love this game I just want to say, you probably know this by now but you want to log out in a inn to generate the rested xp buff
looking forward to the rest of these vids mate good fun
Time for episode 8
Should’ve chosen horde….. then you could’ve got a dinosaur mount and watched the pyramid scenery. Now that is epic
Thanks for the video
I started playing in the summer of 2008 when I was 12. Love the series, will watch it through. You earned a sub!
Priscila Ashvane – voiced by Frances Barber… if not familiar with her, check her out!
Season 6 of Doctor Who Matt Smith era, and loved her in the episode of IT Crowd where she's the psychiatrist that falls for Moss.
I can see I'm a bit behind in this series, but I just want to say how much fun it has been to watch! As someone who has been playing WoW since 2005, this series feels like seeing the game as new again. I'll keep watching and I hope you're still having a good time in the later parts. Welcome to WoW! <3
Watching this series is a real treat for a long time WoW player! It's so fun to see things I don't think twice about beeing something that you notice in detail. Also taking your time exploring and looking at things, I love the way you play!
This is the kind of person i'd like to play WoW with.
I dont like grouping with people these days because they just want to run through everything at light speed.
I was playing the star wars mmo and everytime i tried to do a dungeon/raid i was getting kicked for either not knowing where i was going or because i watched the cut scene for the first time, how dare I!
yes you read that right. star wars players are so toxic, they kick you mid dungeon for watching the cut scene, as a first time player.
gamers are really toxic these days and now I understand why the stereotype exists.
Just worth noting. It wasn't just Jason Hayes that worked on the music. There were a number of folks worth mentioning.
Jason Hayes of course. But you also had… Tracy W. Bush, Derek Duke and Glenn Stafford. But you can't forget about Russell Brower either. He was a three time Emmy winner and joined around Burning Crusade and worked on each WoW expansion up to and through Legion after which his position was eliminated sadly.
your videos are awesome man, such a breath of fresh air reminds me of my wow starting days
the horde isn't evil lol
change your keybinds clsoer to your hand like F, R, C for the skills you want to use. You probably know this by now since this is 2 months old lol but I am enjoying the content!
i just started watching and enjoying these videos, i am sure you are way further along at this point because i have seen some of the suggested videos pop up but you can sell the rest of that old gear to the vendor, its also a good idea to start out with the concusive shot since its a slow and generally they will be dead before they can get to you
Watching you made me go and buy wow again
i have 4 more days until work starts again so binge time!!
I am EXTREMELY behind on the series sadly, however, i am currently binge watching this entire series and im really excited to watch the rest. I have played WoW for many years now, played as a super hardcore player and rushed everything, its so nice to watch a new player, really enjoy the story and gameplay! Thank you good sir for the content.
Your very entertaining, real fun watching. Started in 2004 myself off and on, in dragonflight now. Thanks for the memories.
Im starting my first full playthrough soon I cant wait. This game is so nostalgic for me I used to watch my dad play it when I was really little and just watching plus the few times I got to play are some of the fondest memories of my whole life this is by far the best MMO out there in my opinion
I too came to the MMORPG games late , I was in my late thirties. My now husband got me started on WoW. Totally fell in love with it and have been playing for about 15yrs . While the game has gone through many changes, (some good, some bad) I never stopped playing. Through your videos I have been reminded of the joy and awe I had when I first started! You make sitting and watching someone play fun and funny!!!!
Lol I'm 1000th like I came here from ur Yu-Gi-Oh forbidden memories let's play it' was very entertaining, and I started wow same day as u but I just discovered ur channels xD I subbed instantly the second I heard ur commentary on those playthroughs
„This is fantasy, this is what you want to see, when you’re playing a fantasy game.“ That’s it It wouldn’t be the same in unreal engine 5 with all realistic graphics. That’s what I can’t get over in ESO, it looks too realistic for a fantasy game its graphics have no charm. In my opinion, WoW is one of the most beautiful games out there.