The Start of Absolute Degeneracy | Achievement Man | World of Warcraft

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This is the first video of the World of Warcraft achievement man series. The goal is to complete every achievement in World of Warcraft from a brand new account. We will be diving into the Hallow’s End Achievements, and starting with Legion. With World of Warcraft Dragonflight right around the corner, we’ll have lots of content in Azeroth to get through before we can touch the Dragon Isles. If you want to join me on this weekly journey please subscribe!

We start out by creating our character and getting through a starting zone. Then we go through what is required for Hallow’s End achievements. Next I show all the achievements coming in for those sweet dopamine points. Finally, we run through the legion start, where a special surprise is waiting at the end.

Level quickly and easily in Classic and Retail using RestedXP Guides with my referral link:
Use code ‘hope’ for 5% off

Candy Montage song:
“Raving Energy (faster)” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Swan Lake from


34 thoughts on “The Start of Absolute Degeneracy | Achievement Man | World of Warcraft”

  1. I'm so glad that I randomly found this video, because I've been just like you, playing wow since tbc, then on and off after Wrath ended and I'm planning to also start a completely fresh and new account this weekend to work on collecting as much as possible (that's within reason). I know a lot of people dread having to refarm stuff and all that, but the dopamine and satisfaction and just reliving the feeling you once had is very fun with collecting things and achievements in wow. Great video! I can't wait for more 🙂

  2. So glad this appeared in my recommended! Have you tried the ALL THE THINGS addon? It gives me the same hit as achievements, just more frequently 😀 Can't wait to see more!

  3. Very cool idea, reminiscent of OSRS snowflake accounts. I kinda wanna try doing the same thing, but just continue on my main account. I can’t be bothered going through 20k+ points again 😅 GL with the account, liked and subbed

  4. i know im a year late but might i intrest you in the addon leatrix?
    it auto exepts and completes quests and makes you loot faster among many other things. it also auto skips cinematics, realy handy if you dont want to see them for the 500th time.
    ofcourse you can enable and disable witch ever functionality you want or dont want.


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