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🔥Try Those Insane Builds💪🏼😵 🔥 !!!!
Overpower Fire Mage Build :
Best Elemental Shaman Build :
One Shot Build Windwalker Monk :
Best Retribution Paladin Build :
Best Frost Death Knight Build :
Best Demon Hunter Build :
Best Marksman Hunter Build :
Best Balance Druid Build :
Best Unholy Death Knight Build :
Best Shadow Priest Build :
Best Frost Mage Build :
Unholy dk will go nutz
U forgot aug
Great vid 🎉
Arms damage feels so weak in Blitz atm, hopefully hero talents will sort it out.
Cyclone should have a CD, nerf nerf nerf
Main: DK, Druid, Warr, hunter, Monk, Rogue, Lock, and paladin.
Alts: Shaman, priest, mage, and Evoker <—– these will most likely get played later in season 1 of WW.
Specs for mains: Frost/unholy, Fury/arms, MM/Survival, WW, Assassination, Aff/destro, and Ret.
Specs for Alts: Elemental, Shadow, Fire/arcane, and Devastation.
Atm these are wat I'll be mainly playing. Come tuesday I'm gonna farm the event gear on all the toons I'm lvling and getting them ready for the 22nd. Hyped for next expansion pvp gonna be fun pushing 2400+ in Solo rbgs!
I will say this to anyone find the class or classes you want to play next expansion and just play them don't follow what's meta cause I'll say this META don't mean jack if you don't know how to play the class properly to the point that makes it "meta" GL on yals choices I have mine and I'm ready to rock and roll.
Great vid!
Doing something different for TWW. I’m usually all about casters. Going melee.
Retribution main with Fury alt.
Just coming back to retail after 3 years specifically for the solo RBG q system and just finished leveling my rogue mage and boomkin. Stoked to see the RNG balancing random blizzard tuning gods appear to be in my favor going into TWW lol! 🙂
Will DK be able to mount during the RBG permanently
They really Improved the ranged abilities of SV Hunter (explosive shot and baseline high explosive trap, better killshot, improved its tankiness, and baseline scatter shot is very very useful. I’m finding it to be very fun and effective. It plays like Batman: melee, with ranged gadgets, a grappling hook, and a sidekick. The ranged attacks are good enough that you can hang back and keep the pet attacks, bombs, explosive shot/trap, and killshots going and when it’s time use your mitigation defensive CDs, offensive cooldowns, and CC, and lurch into the fray for the kill and disengaging back out. I’m getting a lot of KBs doing this even in an epic BG where it’s especially risky to overextend in a large team fight.
1v1 it’s a strong class, tuning allowing of course, but the option to use ranged dmg on melee classes and vice verse is huge. Add to that I can actually have a good chance against a rogue who jumps me because of flare, traps, pet stun etc.
Anyways, I liked it before and I think it’s way better now. Not for everyone, of course. It’s clunky and I think in PVP if you aren’t making use of the whole kit it isn’t worth it.
Wishing for instant cyclone, coming out of an expansion where ferals has been spamming this constantly, while it being the absolute best cc in the game already, is a fkn wild take..
I agree with your devastation opinion. Bliz is def trippin. Devoker has already been broken.
Ima continue to main ret and mess around w/ alts