Carl has a nice 2s session on his Resto Shaman dealing more damage than any other healer can! If you enjoyed this video please subscribe and follow Carl on …
What’s with so many of the move people who throw in “fuckin” so much in their casual speak? Call me old, but it’s kinda tacky. Just speak, ya don’t need the trailer filler
first comment what The Move baby
Looks like you're losing some weight?
Omg double prot war mw monk was so gay in legion
bro the fucking bug zapper noise in the beginning lmfao
What’s with so many of the move people who throw in “fuckin” so much in their casual speak? Call me old, but it’s kinda tacky. Just speak, ya don’t need the trailer filler
Shadowlands is so trash you are delusional because all you do is play brain dead zug cleaves, literally cast 1 heal a game at most
They juked your sheer every time
Yeah the artifact weapon system in legion was cancer and you needed to do that for every spec
Thats what makes rift fun. After like 2 crowd control abilities you are immune for 15 seconds so you can actually play the game
Lol “gladiator” monk in first clip got obliterated w trinket, karma, yikes?