Which is the Best Contrller For Playing World of Warcraft?

Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

Which controller is best when playing World of Warcraft? Playstation Dualsense? Xbox Series? Switch Pro? Well those are the ones I have available, so I played the game with each of them to see what I liked and disliked about each. So here are my thoughts!

Want to know how I play WoW with a controller? Learn more about it here! ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFQMV-64RBQ

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0:00 – Intro
0:50 – Xbox Series
3:37 – Switch Pro
5:14 – PS5 Dualsense
8:49 – Third Party Controllers
10:14 – Conclusion


14 thoughts on “Which is the Best Contrller For Playing World of Warcraft?”

  1. A few more things about the Switch Pro controller, when I said that it is supported, I kind of misspoke. Because it's not directly supported by ConsolePort. Essentially, it's treated like a third party controller. But I was easily able to get it to work just by treating it like an Xbox controller in ConsolePort. Which can be a bit confusing at times.

  2. Thanks! I'm someone who's put my Meta Quest Touch controllers to use in VR with WoW (huge virtual flat-screen, not immersive VR)

    I found I was able to utilize some hand tracking for a few things, like navigating vendor menus. The Touch controllers are seen by Virtual Desktop as an Xbox controller, but it does need a bit of fine tuning as the Touch controllers lack a D-pad.

    It's a work in progress that I set aside for a bit as other stuff came up. Your videos helped so much in getting me started trying, so Thank You! I'm inspired to set aside some time to put fresh eyes on the mission to get it working!

    Cheers, dude! (Fellow legally blind gamer here, too. I very much appreciate your approach to those challenges.)

  3. Thank for the video. I tried to use my dualsense using bluetooth on windows, however I couldn't get the trackpad to work with consoleport. Some posts on discord, mentioned there is a compatibility issue with consoleport. Any suggestions please?

  4. I've been using the FlyDigi Vader 4 Pro for a couple weeks now. I got it because of the 4 back buttons and 2 extra front facing buttons. All the extra buttons are great for Opie menus and using one of the front buttons for a PTT bind. The mechanical switches in the face buttons and triggers are really satisfying to use too. It even has adjustments for the stick resistance, which isn't as useful in WOW but has been nice for some FPS games. The charging base is absolute crap though.

  5. If xbox brought wow to game pass, console and pc, they would increase their player base a ton. Imagine if they developed a wow specific control and announced it at the same time as wow coming to game pass. I can tell you that many of my friends would finally play wow with me.

  6. I main on the Steam Deck. When docked I’m preferring the PS5 Dual Sense for the trackpad. Though it’s not 1:1 like a mouse or actual trackpad.

    I also use a chat pad for messaging folks. It’s inefficient but works for me.

  7. I've been playing WoW with a controller since WotLK. It's not by choice. There's something wrong my hand that prevents me from using a mouse/keyboard to play games. In the beginning, I was playing on a Mac Pro using a program called "ControllerMate" where it was extremely difficult to set up. You had to connect boxes that stood for the keyboard or controller and connect them to what you wanted to map it to on this grid. It was an involved project. It took me months of practice to get used to it, but I did and was raiding with a guild for a long time. I would describe my skills as "eh". Not the best, not the worst.

    Now I play WoW on Windows using an Xbox Elite 2 controller using reWASD. I use no addon to play other than WeakAuras.

    The set up is the left analogue stick is movement of my character with left right being strafing. The right is the mouse. X,Y,A,B is action 1, 2, 3, 4 and I use almost all trigger buttons to change them to give me access to 24 actions (I use one of the triggers for jumping alone). the bumper buttons act as left/right mouse click. The middle buttons (menu) are also have them tied to the trigger buttons giving me access to stuff like map, open bags, etc. The left/right D pad is different depending on what role I play but up/down is always camera zoom in/out. But the triggers, bumpers buttons, X,Y,A,B, menu/start in the middle, analog sticks, and back paddles all remain the same.


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